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  • Patch 322 change-log

    Notices, 2 days ago

    - Added Titles Collection window
    -- You can open this window with the J key by default. Change it in key bind settings.
    -- Using titles will now consume the item and add it to your account collection. 
    -- You can pick titles from that window for each of your characters. 
    -- There is no way to take titles out of your collection yet. Maybe in the future.
    - Panda Fury bar will now be locked in place when you have skill bar lock enabled.
    - Added pig skill to critical debuffs for raid colored nameplates.
    - You can now change the raid nameplate status colors in your color settings.

    I have replaced the install files for new/dev clients with ZIP files
    Because having self-extract exe files is not likely seen as nice by any antivirus. You can delete those installers from your game folder.
    Extract one of those ZIP files if you use that client.

  • Skins from the past

    Notices, 1 week ago

    Get these weapon skins so you can feel like a noob again! 

    The old school Lv79, in its 2 version, AOL and UOF.versions

  • New show items!

    Notices, 4 weeks ago

    Say hello to Azurefin, your new water mount, and his tiny baby, Tiny Eternal.

    Together they are part of the summer pack you will find at our item shop. But there is plenty more to look for. Check it out!

    Or, you can also hop on top of this cute little friend, the Seal of Approval!

  • The air got hotter

    Notices, 4 weeks ago

    Summer is already here and the Molten Wastelands are hotter than ever. Its portal at Volcano Island opens once again for you and your friends to adventure in,

    Find what's going on, help those brave warriors that arrived before you and uncover the mysteries and dangers of the land.

  • New weapon skin set!

    Notices, 1 month ago

    New weapon skin for you to pick up! Name: r005. Grab yours today!

  • Patch 318 change-log

    Notices, 2 months ago
    • - Main fixer can now move players in the whole raid (like before), but if this player is moved to a different raid tab, it will lose the fixer status.
    • - Added key bind to hide the relic bar because some nerd asked for that.
    • Added a new setting to hide cape emblems.
    • - Guild members will now receive a message when another player applies to join the guild.
    • - Extended the R bar to 20 slots, because we all want to have 20 attack mob commands in it.
    • - Debuff colors in raid nameplates have changed:
    • - - Light blue: normal debuffs that the player can remove with pots
    • - - Pink: critical debuffs that the player cannot remove with pots, only dispel
    • Client version has been changed.
  • Patch 314 change-log

    Notices, 2 months ago

    - Fixed an issue with spears not having the correct range.
    - Raid leaders can now set one fixer per raid tab, this fixer will only have access to move players in the same raid tab. Moving the fixer outside of its tab will remove the role.
    - Cape emblems are now Guild Emblems and can only be set by Guild Leaders. All members of the guild will have the same emblem design when they equip capes.
    - Raid buffs that last 30 minutes will now remain after death. So you don't have to waste time rebuffing and crying.
    - Spirit Surge is now a raid buff.

    Client version has been changed.

  • Weapon skins for you and you!

    Notices, 3 months ago

    Take a look at these 2 weapon skin sets you can get from now on at your item shop. Search them up by their codenames:

    herenas (preview)


    p001 (preview)

  • 2 new mounts for fashion seekers

    Notices, 3 months ago

    There are 2 new mounts in our item shop that you can get for a limited time.



    An astral entity inspired by the night sky, forming constellations within itself. 


    Forest Demon

    A spectral equine guardian with a demonic skull engulfed in eternal flames. Witness the fiery breath of the underworld as leaves dance beneath its hooves, embodying a demonic protector of the forest realms.

  • New thingies

    Notices, 4 months ago

    Forest Bun and Easter Bunny Suit are now available at our item shop!

    I've also updated the PvP Tier Rewards.

  • Patch 311 change-log

    Notices, 4 months ago

    - Fixed disguise going bananas on players with body swap.
    - Players will now get, on death, a list of the damage received since last full heal (no, you won't get a damage done list).
    - Fixed ele icons on equipped items.
    - Fixed quest zones not showing in map for quests that have hidden results.
    - Fixed an issue that hid the death message when the killer was not in sight. You will now get either a backup name or the default death message.
    - Fixed timed reward not showing sometimes.
    - Players will now be able to use /shuffle command just like /auto but only in selected maps enabled by staff.
    - Added a test +1 event on the following zones and schedules:
    -- Monday (19 to 21hs), Proelium Frontier
    -- Wednesday (19 to 21hs), Cantabilian
    -- Sunday (18 to 20hs), The Mists

    Client version has been changed.

  • Feeling brothers

    Notices, 5 months ago

    From the depths of the darkest dungeons, a pair of blob slimes emerge, seduced by the sound of your laughs and tears, they are here to keep your emotions in balance, welcome our newest sibling pets!

    UwU blob and Depresso!

  • A cute new friend

    Notices, 5 months ago

    Say hello to Mr. Turkey! Your new loyal and sturdy mount!

    You can also combine him with this white set of clothes, Kindred Spirit.

  • Where is love

    Notices, 5 months ago

    Our dear Cupid, the messenger of love, has been the target of unknown forces, an evil plan to destroy love almost succeeds in taking him out for good. He is now weak and unable to perform his tasks, but at least he is alive.

    Meet him and his protector at the Market for further details, and help Cupid regain his strength, as there is much more work to do!

    Bingo has been activated once again, you will find your bingo board in your bank (only one per active account).

    You will receive bingo coins for being online, or if you are Richie Rich, you can purchase your bingo completion, either way, there is a special reward at the end of it.

    Patch 308 change-log:

    - Bingo is now active, you have time until March 20th to complete it.
    - Relic of Endless Crying: duration changed from 2s to 5s.
    - Relic Glacial Storm: fixed duration to 8s (how it was supposed to be).
    - Resurrection Skill changed to see if it becomes a little more useful.
    -- Resurrection Lv1 - 5.5s Cast / 2min CD >>> 2.5s Cast / 1min 30s CD
    -- Resurrection Lv2 - 4.5s Cast / 1min 40s CD >>> 2.25s Cast / 1min 10s CD
    -- Resurrection Lv3 - 3.5s Cast / 1min 20s CD >>> 1.75s Cast / 50s CD
    -- Resurrection Lv4 - 2.5s Cast / 50s CD >>> 1.25s Cast / 30s CD

  • Patch 306 change-log

    Notices, 6 months ago

    - Fixed warehouse sorting for dev client.
    - Now when moving items to warehouse with right click, it will move it to the current tab if possible.
    - Changed default key binds to switch to different skill bars to control + number, per request.
    - Fixed several UI interactions that I've found annoying.
    - Luminous Brigand has been removed. Quest involved in kill him will now require to kill Dios Exiel instead.
    - New passive Relic Skill for Priest and Oracle that triggers a defensive buff to protect the user against lures when a lure expires or is dispelled. Has 60% chance to avoid being lured and lasts 2 seconds. 12s CD. (test stage)

    Client version has been changed. You know the drill.

  • Tiered PvP Rewards updated

    Notices, 6 months ago

    We are getting close to Valentine and what better option to gift to your significant other than an exclusive special dye? If you can get it! 

    This month we not only include the +1 stones but also one of those special dyes to everyone that reaches the last tier, but for the extra nerdy ones, we will also reward with an exclusive tech wing. 

    The HeliPack!


  • New mounts for the collectors

    Notices, 6 months ago

    Today we bring you two new majestic mounts, one white as snow and cold as your ex gf heart; the other is fierce and red as tomato in a blender.

    Shan Quan

    Bloodfang Guardian

  • Patch 304 change-log

    Notices, 6 months ago

    - Available warehouse space expanded from 240 to 600 slots.
    - Added a text field to warehouse to filter items by name, making it easier to find your noods.
    - Fixed warehouse sorting function that was sometimes saying there was no more free slots.
    - Added ability to lock warehouse bags from sorting (left control + mouse click) (same with inventory).
    - Fixed inventory so you can drag and drop items around while warehouse is open (except to floor).
    - Item info linking is now also possible in guild and whisper chats.
    - Temp FC players are now allowed to take and complete quests from their original faction.
    - Fixed chat so emotes from blocked players are not shown.
    - Inventory can now be open when auction board is active.
    - New settings to modify duration and speed of floating damage numbers.
    - Waypoints can now be saved in dungeons except boss dungeons. List expanded to 10 saved locations.
    - Skill Dispel: removed the 250 millisecond CD.

    Client version has been changed. You know the drill.

    Note: warehouse expansion is a big change, I'll be monitoring it just in case something fails, but I've tested it a lot and found no issues. Just in case, I've saved an extra backup before updating.

  • Happy new year!

    Notices, 7 months ago

    As we embark on another year of adventures and challenges, may your quests be epic, your loot plentiful, and your battles victorious.

    Wish you all to have a year filled with those tiny happy moments that fulfills our hearts! 
    And try not to fight each other too much. >:


    Here are some cute companions to help you walk your paths:

    Chuzhi Beast

    Unchained Wind

  • Shop Updated!

    Notices, 7 months ago

    Shop has been updated with all your favorite event companions and thingies!

    You will find cute pets like this Spirit Fox

    And some splendid mounts like the Astral Deer

    Check it out! There is more friends to discover!

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