I always forget!
Notices, 3 weeks agoI knew I was forgetting something! This time it was showing you the Monarch of Hearts costume!
Now available in our item shop. -
Notices, 4 weeks agoWhile celebrating the Year of the Snake, for all those out there that were born under this symbol
Today I bring you this cute and smol baby Snek! -
Lovely new mounts
Notices, 1 month agoNew event items are now enabled in our shop along with this new and lovely floral mount.
The Wreath of Blossoming Light
You will also find this cute Celestial Bloom Stag
and much more!
Patch 342 change-log
Notices, 1 month ago- Fixed Def/Guard Demon Hushing animation and skill icon.
- Probably fixed the issues with showing the real fixer in raids after autos and shuffles.
- Extra Fixers can now fix whole raid, not just their tabs. Moving a Fixer outside of their tab will still remove the role.
- You are now able to give Fixer to temp fc players.
- Modified Saved Locations Window to allow players to add a text description to their slots.
- New Guild Rename Token (item) that you can acquire to rename your guilds in game.
- New Junk Flagging System in inventory that will allow you flag items as junk or important, so you can auto sell or prevent mistakes.
- Specialty Trader at Dragonspine Enclave will temporarily sell weapon and shield skin (valentine).Def/Guard Skill Changes
Lv1 - Cooldown Unchanged (6min)
Lv2 - Cooldown Reduced from 5min 45s to 5min 30s
Lv3 - Cooldown Reduced from 5min 30s to 5min
Lv4 - Cooldown Reduced from 5min to 4min 20sShield Slam
Lv1 - Apply Range Increased from 3m to 4m && Additional Damage increased from 102 to 174
Lv2 - Apply Range Increased from 3m to 4m && Additional Damage increased from 264 to 444
Lv3 - Apply Range Increased from 3m to 5m && Additional Damage increased from 669 to 869
Lv4 - Apply Range Increased from 3m to 5m && Additional Damage increased from 1105 to 1455
Lv5 - Apply Range Increased from 3m to 5m && Additional Damage increased from 1606 to 2025Fissure
Lv1 - Unchanged
Lv2 - Additional Damage increased from 342 to 442
Lv3 - Additional Damage increased from 527 to 699
Lv4 - Additional Damage increased from 1056 to 1180
Lv5 - Additional Damage increased from 1858 to 2858Detonate
Lv1 - Deal damage based on DEX x1 +200 Additional Damage
Lv2 - Damage increased from DEX x1 to DEX x2 && Remove additional damage
Lv3 - Damage increased from DEX x2 to DEX x3
Lv4 - Damage increased from DEX x2 to DEX x3 && +500 additional damage
Lv5 - Damage increased from DEX x3 to DEX x4 && +1000 additional damage
Archer/Hunter Skill ChangesFleet Foot
Lv1 - 10s Duration Reduced to 7s - Cooldown Increased from 2min 50s to 4min
Lv2 - 12s Duration Reduced to 7s - Cooldown Increased from 2min 30s to 3min 50s
Lv3 - 14s Duration Reduced to 8s - Cooldown Increased from 2min 10s to 3min 40s
Lv4 - 16s Duration Reduced to 8s - Cooldown increased from 1min 50s to 3min 30s
Lv5 - 18s Duration Reduced to 9s - Cooldown increased from 1min 30s to 3min 20sNotes: We have decided to reduce the duration and increase the cooldown of Fleet Foot for Archers and Hunters. We would like ranged players to be able to fight and kill other ranged players. We are keeping the skill around but making it less frequent and more of a strategic use.
Patch 340 change-log
Notices, 2 months agoChanges are too long for the website, so I've prepared a docs file.
I've tested almost everything but there could always be an issue somewhere, so if you find anything, let us know.But in short:
- Tank skills have been reworked.
- Figs/Wars got their %skill reworked plus new ones.
- Mage/Pagans/Archer/Hunter got small buffs here and there and some escape skill.
- Monk/Druid got a small nerf.Client version has been changed.
Patch 339 change-log
Notices, 2 months ago- - Removed christmas update.
- - Removed panda ts aura and healers bubble shield from important effects so you can't turn those off.
- - Fixed own wing effects showing as other players effects.
Client version has been changed.
New toys for you
Notices, 2 months agoToday I bring you a few new mounts to travel around the world!
Ice Fang
Polar Express I and II (1 and 2-seat versions)
Get them before the season ends!
Patch 338 change-log
Notices, 2 months ago- Polymorph skill has now a 50% chance of be reflected back to caster when used on another healer.
- Hex skill has changed to allow its use in lower levels (check bank for skill reset stones).
- - Lv1: Req. Lv10, Gives 50 LUC
- - Lv2: Req. Lv30, Gives 80 LUC
- - Lv3: Req. Lv60, Gives 200 LUC
- - Lv4: Req. Lv80, Gives 450 LUC
- Weapon enchant will now apply additional healing to healing skills based on its level (enchant level * 50) and will be capped per tier.
- - Level 15 : Max Heal +250
- - Level 30 : Max Heal +500
- - Level 60 : Max Heal +750
- - Level 80 : Max Heal +1000
- Enchant damage reduction and bonus healing can now be seen in the item tool tip.
- New graphic settings to filter effects by types.
- Auto temp fc players can no longer get special roles in raid, they will need to get staff temp fc for it.
- Titles enabled.Client version has been changed.
New mounts for you!
Notices, 3 months agoAaah, another nerdy companion to travel around in style, let me introduce you Birnerd!
And if you are looking for a more festive one, here you have this Aurora Ram!
Happy New Year
Notices, 3 months agoHappy New Year, nerds!
As we venture into another year, I want to thank each one of you for being part of this community.
Your presence makes this place truly special (even stimus).
I wish you all good health, happiness, and many victories, both in the game and life.Letâs make 2025 even more epic!
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!
Notices, 3 months agoAs we gather together to celebrate the festive season, we want to extend our warmest wishes to each member of our wonderful game.
Whether you are farming, pvping fierce enemies, or just chatting with friends, your presence makes our community special.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Wishing you joy, peace, and happiness this holiday season.Stay safe, stay adventurous, and happy gaming!
New shop thingies
Notices, 3 months agoI want to introduce you to Nerdy Llama,
a lovely and friendly llama who will solve all those math problems for you.And if you are already a math genius, then you can pick this friend, the Chimera Fowl
Oh? But you have nothing new to wear?
Fear not! You can now dress as a Santa's Helper or a Loving Devil! Check these out in our shop section
Winter is here!
Notices, 3 months agoThe Realms of Winter open up once again!
Are you ready to stop the Grinch's plans of conquering the world?
But this time, he might not be alone.Join along your friends to discover the mysteries and secrets of these lands.
Patch 333 change-log
Notices, 3 months ago- Replaced exp stones in level up box from x2, x5, x15 to x10, x20, x50 so you can pick your leveling up speed.
- Fixed an issue with last 2 weapon skins not showing up for javelins.
- Added weapon skins and body swap to item transfer token allow list.
- Fee for creating new guilds increased to 50m gold, because 1k is for plebs.
- Fixed visual glitch showing dmg abs in titles.
- Fixed weapon dyes showing black texture on potato pc (thanks Thera for testing on super potato).
- Pre elemental tops will now allow you to link any other ele stone but it won't change its element.
- New inventory stack button, it will stack all similar items without doing any sorting.
- Rank icons have been extended up to 6m kills, but you won't get stats past 2.5m. You can check them out at your Veteran Manager.
- Fixed a problem that was cancelling your skills if you swapped targets before cast time was done.
- Lowered exp required to level up from levels 50 to 80 so it's more proportional.
- Doubled the exp from robots at Stable Erde.
- Added Level Up Stone (+1) to all mobs in Stable Erde to help you level up in there.
- Added Level Up Stone (Max) to item shop. It will increase your level from any level up to max level (for the lazy ones).
- Added a few robo dogs as rewards for top 1 and 2 in GRB (Lv 82).
- We are half way into demonists.Client version has been changed.
Patch 330 Change Log
Notices, 4 months ago- Removed halloween updates.
- Changed the camera a little bit to see if it works better.
- Added support for staff to run discord commands and be accepted by the server.
- Added an Item Transfer Token for in game trades that will allow you to trade perms in game without having to use website (will be added later on in shop).
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the server from updating your nostrum stats when swapping warmodes.
- Fixed the flying robot mounts.
- Changed the way the game sorts inventory and warehouse, it should work better now.
- Fixed an issue with mailbox not reading your last bag for empty slots.
- Did a change to quick slots to try to preserve the location of items when using inventory sorting.Client version has been changed.
Spooks never end!
Notices, 5 months agoLet's celebrate the passing of Halloween and the Day of the Dead with a set of spooky costumes and a pet!
Spooky Bruin, Spooky Wedding, and Halloween Mad Dog!
Don't be scared!
Notices, 5 months agoWe are so close to Halloween that I can already feel the spooks!
Let's start celebrating with these new mounts to show off in-game.The Cryptic Mount
And the spookiest Witch Doctor Elephant
And what's best if not to match them with one of these cute and fashionable sets:
And Dawn of the Walking Dead
New shop items
Notices, 5 months agoHave you ever wanted to fly around the world delivering babies? Yes? Then you my friend, need help.
But don't worry. Today I bring you this beautiful stork, the Cloudwalker. It will help you out.But if this doesn't suit your needs, then you can try Skeletor, this magnificent bony dragon with a pure and evil heart.
In any case, try them out with one of these 2 new costumes:
The Torturer
Ancestral Guardian
Patch 326 change-log
Notices, 5 months ago- Expanded Guild Warehouse to use 6 bags of 100 slots each.
- New command to join the biggest open raid in your faction. Type in chat any of these: **/j**, **/join** or **/pvp** with no target selected.
- Removed the glu glu glu for other players.
- Probably fixed some mounts to not go below water level, I'm using the mount height to set the water level, but didn't test all mounts.
- Fixed an issue that was causing R-bar to cycle when using chain skills in other bars. It should work better now.
- Halloween events and quests have been enabled. You have until around November 20.Client version has been changed.
New weapon skin for the fancy ones
Notices, 6 months agoCheck out this new weapon skin now available at our item shop!
Codename: r011
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